I miss my shadow

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Gender Discrimination and Chauvinism

Hi all..
I was pretty busy ( very std excuse! ) for the couple of weeks. This is TRUH. And the weekends were reserved for send-off parties for my friends.. so coudnt spend time to post new entries..

Here is a link for my audio blog. Its abt the one fo the main causes for Gender Discrimination and Male Chauvinism..It is in Tamil.hope u will enjoi..

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Glass Cieling !

NOTE: This is my experience and no exaggeration involved. It is not intend to hurt anyone, but I am afraid it might do.

Scene 1
Place : German Consulate, Chennai.
Date : June, 2004

The stage was comfortably set for the visa interviewer (this person will be referred as `she` in the following text) and not for people like me waiting for the interview. Never mind. That was not an exception.

She : Hi..Give me the documents.
Me : Hee hee hee ( with a stupid smile the document goes to her hand )
She : Ok.Fine. Why do you want to go to Germany?
Me : (If my uncle was the Consulate General, I would have answered in a different way)
Well. Madam. I have completed my bachelor degree and worked for around two years
in the industry. Now I feel that I need to enrich my technical knowledge in my field.
More than that the kind of international exposure and the experience that I will be
acquire from people from different culture will definitely mould my personality in a
better way.( and some more bla blas about culture and exposure)

(let us stop here as this post is all about what I just told her )

Did I really mean what I told her? To be honest… NO. But it is true that I was thrilled to go to a western country and experience new things(God knows what the new things are !). But the ultimate reason was go-abroad-earn money-be happy attitude. This might be because in my society, vitamin M deficiency ( I mean .. money )seems to be the major cause for most of the problem. (Let me not discuss about this here).

I was extremely happy to see so many of my fellow men in Germany and I was lucky to live with two of my close friends ( they take the root back to my schooldays ). Two semesters…….went off in a one hundredth of a second. Was busy with lectures…evening spend on preparing delicious dinner (one of my friends is a great cook)…movies…( including all 3rd rated tamil moives ) and weekends with German beer, food-mela and with some more bull shit movies. Once in a while we go to temple ( though we pray, the main reason to go there is the nice food they serve there ).

This is almost the same kind of lifestyle that my friends in other countries live. Be it in US or UK or Ausi or Newzi or Sweden or any Goddamn country, it is the same. A year passed. Did my stay made any difference in my attitude or helped to experience something which I have never been exposed to? Answer is a big NO. The only change that I could find in myself is that I put on some weight (before I came here, I was like a karuvaadu.), my complexion has increased a bit (courtesy –nice weather). I visited some famous tourist places and took pictures. Did I learned something about western culture? NO. Did I experience the kind of life these people live? NO. About their attitude? NO. About their anything? .. The answer is NO,NO and only NO. Does my stay is worth? NO.

The cause is simple. I put myself into a closed circle and unfortunately that circle never grew. I wasn’t brave enough to step out. This is because some of my fellow students who stepped out of this circle were tagged as “Person to spoil out country name” or something like “He deserves to be hated”. It took some time for me to realize that it is a pity. Majority of us who come to an alien land do not REALLY carry the attitude to get mingle with western people or people from other nation. I am still looking a palatable reason. If you have one, please do let me know. We don’t have a reason because our attitude has got a big scar on it.

I’m stop now.( I’m getting mad).

We live in a western society. I accept. But we live under a glass ceiling. You can see everything, but cannot really feel anything. It took me almost a year to break the glass ceiling and to come out.

Soon I will share about my life in the real western society.


You hate this blog? That’s cool. Do let me know why?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

me,myself and no one

At last the day is here. I created a blog. Itz quite an achievment for myself. Yes, I was thinking about creating one for almost an year( Im a bit lazy u know..). So what to write..? I dont know. But I know that here Im not trying to be make this blog different frm the rest ( but usually i do..I die to be unique. I got that instinct in my blood). Ahhhh.... I hear you saying " Cut the crap and come to the point ".

The point : Itz been almost two years in Germany and I had travelled around Europe ( only a few countries ) to get some very good memories and few bad experiences. I always wished to share my feelings and thoughts with others ( it didnt happend for some reasons..i was too busy sleeping, partying, wasting time( i did somethings that was not even worth for used tissues )..never mind. Now itz time to augment all the thoughts and put in somewhere. One of the somewheres is www.sallisamy.blogspot.com.( sorry abt the grammar !).

Lonelyness is one of the most powerful tool. It can make you more vulnerable or more strong. I dont let the first thing happen to me. All depends upon how we deal with that. Im gonna deal with that and the consequences will be my future posts..

If u r still here.......thanks for your time

cya sooon

itz me ..myself and no one